Standing Dumbbell Fly

Exercise Information

  • Alternative Names: Dumbbell shoulder fly, standing dumbbell chest fly, dumbbell lateral fly
  • Type: Strength
  • Experience Level: Beginner
  • Equipment: Dumbbells
  • Muscles Targeted: Chest, shoulders, triceps
  • Mechanics: Isolation
  • Average Number of Sets: 3-4 with 8-12 reps each
  • Variations:
  • Alternative:

The standing dumbbell fly, unlike the other versions, is performed by standing upright and then lifting the dumbbells to your sides. It is similar to a dumbbell lateral raise except that you perform it without the full range of motion.

Standing Dumbbell Fly Exercise Information

  • Alternative Names: Dumbbell shoulder fly, standing dumbbell chest fly, dumbbell lateral fly
  • Type: Strength
  • Experience Level: Beginner
  • Equipment: Dumbbells
  • Muscles Targeted: Chest, shoulders, triceps
  • Mechanics: Isolation
  • Average Number of Sets: 3-4 with 8-12 reps each
  • Variations:
  • Alternative:

How to do Standing Dumbbell Fly

Hold two dumbbells at arms’ length by your sides so that the palms are facing you. Maintain a little bend in your elbows and lift the weights laterally without any swinging movement in your torso. Continue moving the dumbbells up until your arms are almost parallel to the ground. Wait for one or two seconds at the top and then bring the dumbbells back to the initial position.

Standing Dumbbell Fly

Standing Dumbbell Chest Fly Tips

  • Start each of the reps by gradually moving the arms out to your sides, as it places more tension on your chest and shoulders.
  • Lead with the elbows while raising the dumbbells to minimize stress on your rotator cuff muscles and keep your deltoids engaged.

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