Neutral Grip Dumbbell Press

Exercise Information

  • Alternative Names: Neutral grip dumbbell bench press, neutral dumbbell press, close grip neutral dumbbell bench press
  • Type: Strength
  • Experience Level: Beginner
  • Equipment: Dumbbells
  • Muscles Targeted: Chest, triceps, shoulders
  • Mechanics: Compound
  • Average Number of Sets: 3-4, of 6-8 reps
  • Variations:
  • Alternative:

The neutral grip dumbbell press, as the name suggests, is performed by altering your grip and hand position so that the palms of your hands are facing each other. By shifting your hand position, you bring the dumbbells close to your sides thereby engaging your triceps more through a longer range of motion than some of the other variations. It also helps in reducing the strain on your shoulder joints.

Neutral Grip Dumbbell Press Exercise Information

  • Alternative Names: Neutral grip dumbbell bench press, neutral dumbbell press, close grip neutral dumbbell bench press
  • Type: Strength
  • Experience Level: Beginner
  • Equipment: Dumbbells
  • Muscles Targeted: Chest, triceps, shoulders
  • Mechanics: Compound
  • Average Number of Sets: 3-4, of 6-8 reps
  • Variations:
  • Alternative:

How to Neutral Grip Dumbbell Press

Start the exercise by taking a pair of dumbbells (weighing about 20-25 lbs) in your hand while lying back onto the flat bench. Make sure that you retract the shoulder blades and keep your feet flat on the ground. Holding the dumbbells with a neutral grip, extend your arms directly above you. Flexing your elbows, lower the dumbbells until the weights are close to your sides.

Neutral Grip Dumbbell Press

Neutral Grip Dumbbell Bench Press Tip

Maximize your pectoral-muscle engagement by flaring out your elbows to the sides of your chest. However, minimize the elbow flare if you want to focus on working your triceps.

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