Side Plank Leg Lift

Exercise Information

  • Alternative Names: Side plank lifts, side plank leg raise, side plank hip abduction
  • Type: Strength
  • Experience Level: Intermediate
  • Equipment: None
  • Muscles Targeted: Abs, glutes, hips, obliques
  • Mechanics: Compound
  • Average Number of Sets: 3-4 with 12-15 reps per set on each side
  • Variations:
  • Alternative:

The side plank leg lift or side plank lift is a slightly more difficult variation than the traditional version, as it demands a higher level of coordination, stability, and balance. It helps in strengthening your core with more emphasis on your obliques.

Side Plank Leg Lift Exercise Information

  • Alternative Names: Side plank lifts, side plank leg raise, side plank hip abduction
  • Type: Strength
  • Experience Level: Intermediate
  • Equipment: None
  • Muscles Targeted: Abs, glutes, hips, obliques
  • Mechanics: Compound
  • Average Number of Sets: 3-4 with 12-15 reps per set on each side
  • Variations:
  • Alternative:

How to do Side Plank Leg Lift

Lying on one side and positioning yourself on the bottom elbow and foot, push your hips up to form a straight line from the feet to your shoulders. Lift your top leg without bending at your knee. After holding this pose for a few seconds, return to your original plank position and switch sides.

Side Plank Leg Lift

Side Plank Leg Raise Tips

  • Make sure that you keep your torso stable while raising your foot.
  • Your top leg should be at a higher position than the top hip.

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