Narrow Stance Hack Squat

Exercise Information

  • Alternative Names: Narrow stance machine hack squat
  • Type: Strength
  • Experience Level: Intermediate
  • Equipment: Hack squat machine
  • Muscles Targeted: Thighs, hips, calves
  • Mechanics: Compound
  • Average Number of Sets: 3-4 with 8-12 reps each
  • Variations:
  • Alternative: Dumbbell squat

The narrow stance hack squat, as the name suggests, is a hack squat variation in which you adjust the position of your legs so that the distance between them is less than the shoulder width. It helps you to engage your quadriceps more than some of the other squats.

Narrow Stance Hack Squat Exercise Information

  • Alternative Names: Narrow stance machine hack squat
  • Type: Strength
  • Experience Level: Intermediate
  • Equipment: Hack squat machine
  • Muscles Targeted: Thighs, hips, calves
  • Mechanics: Compound
  • Average Number of Sets: 3-4 with 8-12 reps each
  • Variations:
  • Alternative: Dumbbell squat

How to do Narrow Stance Hack Squat

Narrow Stance Hack Squat


  • Since the toe angle varies according to the structure of hip joints of individuals, you can adjust your toe position so that you do not feel any pain or discomfort.
  • Make sure that your head does not move forward excessively, and your back is supported against the pad throughout the exercise.

Alternative Exercise

Dumbbell Squat

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