Jump Rope

  • Alternative Names: Rope skipping, forward jump rope
  • Type: Cardio, strength
  • Experience Level: Beginner
  • Equipment: Jump rope
  • Muscles Targeted: Calves, thighs, hamstrings, glutes, abs, forearms, shoulders
  • Mechanics: Compound
  • Average Number of Sets: 3, each of 60 sec reps
  • Variations: Side to side, backward, single, alternating feet, criss cross, double under

Jump rope or jumping rope is an effective, versatile, total-body workout performed by jumping over the rope with one or both your feet on every swing of the rope. It is one of the easiest and most inexpensive ways by which you can build strength, agility, fitness and remain well-conditioned.

Benefits of Jumping Rope: What is It Good for

  • Cardio Workout: It is considered one of the best types of cardio exercises since it enhances the capacity of your cardiovascular framework, helping your heart to perform more efficiently, as well as building your stamina.
  • Burning Fat: Jumping rope is a good way of burning belly fat and losing weight for both men and women. Jump rope for about 30 minutes consistently, and you can burn about 300 calories. Many gym trainers and fitness experts have reported that 10 minutes of jumping rope helps in burning more fat than 40 minutes of running.
  • Toning Muscles: The jump rope is an excellent approach to tone your leg, hip, thigh, abs, arm, and shoulder muscles.
  • Increasing Speed and Agility: For basketball players, boxers, and athletes, the jump rope helps develop coordination, endurance, and foot speed.

How to Jump Rope Properly

Having a rope of proper length is important to performing the exercise efficiently. Measure the rope by placing one foot in its center and lift its handles. The rope should not go past the armpits.

Jump Rope Technique

Jump Rope Tips

  • Make sure that you turn the rope using your wrists and forearms, and not the shoulders.
  • Ideally, you should jump 2-3 inches off the floor so the rope slips under the feet easily.
  • Work up with the rope full-time even if you are tired before finishing the exercise. You may keep your arms and legs going without the rope.

Jump Rope Workouts: Techniques

  • Side to Side Jump Rope
    As you swing the rope, instead of jumping straight up, jump to your left and alternatively to the right.

  • Backward Jump Rope
    Instead of swinging the rope forward, perform the movement backward while you jump off the floor.

  • Single Jump Rope
    While swinging the rope, jump on your left leg rather than doing the standard jump rope. Do the same movements on your right foot.

  • Alternating Feet Jump Rope
    As compared to the simple forward jump rope performed with both feet, you need to jump on your left or right foot first and alternatively on the other.

  • Criss Cross Jump Rope
    Unlike the simple jump rope, it is done by folding and crossing your arms, and then jumping over the loop created by the cross. For the correct technique, watch the video.

  • Double Under Jump Rope
    Start jumping as you would for a simple jump rope. After a few swings, start jumping higher than normal and increase the speed of swing so that the rope passes twice under your feet on each jump.

Jump Rope Workout Routines

  1. Hight-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
  2. Ideal for Boxers
  3. Suitable for Beginners
  4. For Cardio

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