Walking Lunges

  • Alternative Names: Bodyweight walking lunges
  • Type: Strength
  • Experience Level: Beginner
  • Equipment: None
  • Muscles Targeted: Quads, glutes, hamstrings
  • Mechanics: Compound
  • Average Number of Sets: 2-3 with 15-20 reps each
  • Variations: Dumbbell, barbell, overhead, front rack, twist walking lunges
  • Alternative: Single leg glute bridge, split squats

The walking lunge is a staple exercise to your lower body workout routine, especially if you are looking to work your thighs, butt, abs, and calves. It is similar to a traditional lunge, but you walk forward as you perform each lunge. You carry your back leg forward to walk into the next repetition. It is commonly performed by many athletes and celebrities to strengthen their lower body.


  • Improves the coordination and balance of your body by working both the sides.
  • Helps in improving your body posture.
  • Works those body parts that are ignored in other exercises, helping you to get a toned physique.
  • Strengthens your abdominal muscles with the up and down movement.
  • Helps burn 250-300 calories by doing a 20-30 minute walking lunge.
  • Provides rest to your spine if performed later during a weight training session.

How to do Walking Lunges


Walking Lunges

Bodyweight Walking Lunges Tips

  • Keep your torso straight during the lunge, chin up and shoulders relaxed.
  • Avoid extending your knees beyond the toes throughout the movement, as it will unnecessarily put stress on your knee joints.
  • Try to increase the speed and distance you walk over time.


  1. Dumbbell Walking Lunge: Involves the normal walking lunge movement while holding a pair of dumbbells by your sides.
  2. Barbell Walking Lunge: Performed by holding a barbell across the back of your shoulders.
  3. Overhead Walking Lunge: A weighted variation performed by holding a weight plate, pair of dumbbells, or a stability ball over the head.
  4. Front Rack Walking Lunge: Performed by holding a pair of dumbbells, kettlebells, or a barbell in the front rack position.
  5. Walking Lunge with Twist: Involves twisting your torso to the left or right for each lunge you do, while moving forward.

Alternative Exercises

  • Single Leg Glute Bridge
  • Split Squats

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