Standing Arnold Press

Exercise Information

  • Alternative Names: Standing Arnold dumbbell press
  • Type: Strength
  • Experience Level: Intermediate
  • Equipment: Dumbbells
  • Muscles Targeted: Shoulders
  • Mechanics: Compound
  • Average Number of Sets: 4-6 with 8-12 reps each
  • Variations: Standing db modified Arnold press
  • Alternative: None

The standing Arnold press, as the name suggests, is the standing variation of the basic seated version. It requires you to stabilize your abs and legs by positioning your feet at a distance lesser than or equal to your shoulder width. It should not be performed by those who have had previous lower back issues.

Standing Arnold Press Exercise Information

  • Alternative Names: Standing Arnold dumbbell press
  • Type: Strength
  • Experience Level: Intermediate
  • Equipment: Dumbbells
  • Muscles Targeted: Shoulders
  • Mechanics: Compound
  • Average Number of Sets: 4-6 with 8-12 reps each
  • Variations: Standing db modified Arnold press
  • Alternative: None

How to do Standing Arnold Press

Stand with a shoulder-width stance and hold a pair of light to moderate dumbbells at your shoulder height using a pronated grip. Keeping your back straight and the dumbbells in front of your shoulders, lift the weights overhead while twisting the wrists so that your palms now face away from your body. Pause for one second when your arms are at the lockout position. Reverse this movement to lower the dumbbells to the initial position.


  • Press the weights through a full range of motion and control the movement throughout the exercise.
  • Do not add weight quickly since it can result in an injury.

Variation with Modified Grip and Stance

It involves standing with a split stance while holding the dumbbells at your shoulder height and pressing them overhead using a pronated grip. Eventually, rotating your wrists at the top and lowering the weights to the initial position with a neutral grip.

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