Kettlebell Push Press

Exercise Information

  • Alternative Names: Kb push press, single arm kettlebell push press
  • Type: Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting
  • Experience Level: Intermediate
  • Equipment: Kettlebell
  • Muscles Targeted: Shoulders, quads, lower back, triceps, glutes
  • Mechanics: Compound
  • Average Number of Sets: 4-6 with 5-8 reps each
  • Variations: Double kettlebell push press
  • Alternative: None

The kettlebell push press is a full-body kettlebell move commonly used by gym trainers for increasing strength and improving cardiovascular endurance. As compared to basic push press, the kettlebell version is easier to perform because kbs are easier to press and swing. It allows you to burn fat and develop your posterior chain faster.

Kettlebell Push Press Exercise Information

  • Alternative Names: Kb push press, single arm kettlebell push press
  • Type: Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting
  • Experience Level: Intermediate
  • Equipment: Kettlebell
  • Muscles Targeted: Shoulders, quads, lower back, triceps, glutes
  • Mechanics: Compound
  • Average Number of Sets: 4-6 with 5-8 reps each
  • Variations: Double kettlebell push press
  • Alternative: None

How to do a Kettlebell Push Press

Grab a kettlebell (weighing about 25-50 lbs) by its horn and clean it to the shoulder level by extending through your hips and legs. Twist your wrist while moving the kb towards your shoulder, so that your palm faces forward. Keep your torso straight and lower your body by flexing at your knees. Drive through your heels and jump to create momentum, pressing the kb over your head until the arms are locked out. Bring the kettlebell back to the initial position.

Variation with Double Kettlebells

It is similar to the traditional kettlebell push press but performed with two kettlebells of the same weight. It can be performed as an individual exercise of your shoulder workout routine or at the end of a full-body routine.

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