Hack Squat on Smith Machine

Exercise Information

  • Alternative Names: Smith machine hack squat, hack squat Smith machine, Smith hack squat
  • Type: Strength
  • Experience Level: Beginner
  • Equipment: Smith machine
  • Muscles Targeted: Thighs, hamstrings, hips
  • Mechanics: Compound
  • Average Number of Sets: 4-5 with 10-12 reps each
  • Variations: None
  • Alternative: None

Performing hack squat on Smith machine is now becoming a staple gym-exercise in the leg routine of trainees. You may include this variation of the standard hack squat if you want to emphasize your quadriceps more than your hamstrings and gluteal muscles.

Hack Squat on Smith Machine Exercise Information

  • Alternative Names: Smith machine hack squat, hack squat Smith machine, Smith hack squat
  • Type: Strength
  • Experience Level: Beginner
  • Equipment: Smith machine
  • Muscles Targeted: Thighs, hamstrings, hips
  • Mechanics: Compound
  • Average Number of Sets: 4-5 with 10-12 reps each
  • Variations: None
  • Alternative: None


  • Unlike the basic hack squat, which allows you to move your feet sideways, the hack squat on Smith machine lets you to adjust your foot position in front of the bar thereby helping you to target different muscle groups.
  • Since the Smith machine is fixed, you do not have to engage your stabilizer muscles in balancing the bar. You can only focus on strengthening your legs by lifting the bar.

How to do Smith Machine Hack Squat

If you position your feet farther from the Smith machine bar, you will put more emphasis on your hamstring and glutes while your quads will be less involved.

Hack Squat Smith Machine


  • Make sure to take a step forward (roughly half a feet) in front of the Smith machine bar.
  • As you squat down, push through your heels to support the weight.
  • Lower the bar gradually, controlling the movement and take your knees as far forward as you can.

If you are using heavy weights, you may consider doing the exercise with ascending sets. In the first set, do 10-12 reps with 1 plate on each side. Continue adding a plate per side in the subsequent sets.

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