Seated Calf Raise

Exercise Information

  • Alternative Names: Seated calf raise with the machine, sitting calf raises
  • Type: Strength
  • Experience Level: Beginner
  • Equipment: Calf raise machine
  • Muscles Targeted: Calves, legs
  • Mechanics: Isolation
  • Average Number of Sets: 3-4, with 10-12 reps each, 30-sec rest between sets
  • Variations: None
  • Alternative: Barbell seated and dumbbell seated one-leg calf raises

The seated calf raise is a machine-version of the standard calf raise performed by sitting on the calf raise machine. While the standing calf raise primarily engages the gastrocnemius muscle of your lower leg, the seated variety works the soleus more than the basic version. It can be performed as part of your full-body workout plan or included in your leg workout routine.

Seated Calf Raise Exercise Information

  • Alternative Names: Seated calf raise with the machine, sitting calf raises
  • Type: Strength
  • Experience Level: Beginner
  • Equipment: Calf raise machine
  • Muscles Targeted: Calves, legs
  • Mechanics: Isolation
  • Average Number of Sets: 3-4, with 10-12 reps each, 30-sec rest between sets
  • Variations: None
  • Alternative: Barbell seated and dumbbell seated one-leg calf raises

How to do Seated Calf Raise

Sit on the calf raise machine and position the balls of your feet on the lower portion of the platform, with your toes pointing forward and heels extending off. Adjust the height of the lever pad so that it touches your lower thighs. To prevent the pad from slipping forward, put your hands on top of the pad. Push your heels up to lift the lever and then release the safety bar. Lower your heels from this initial position and continue until your calves are completely stretched. Lift the heels by extending your ankles as high as you can. Pause for a count of one at the top contracted position.


  • Limit your body’s momentum by keeping the reps slow and controlled.
  • Instead of the base of your toes, use the balls of your feet to raise the heels.
  • Try to add five reps to your routine each week. When you can repeat 50 times, add 20-30 lbs and start doing the exercise at 30 reps.

Alternatives without Machine

  • Barbell Seated Calf Raise
  • Dumbbell Seated One-Leg Calf Raise

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