Static Lunge

Exercise Information

  • Alternative Names: Stationary Lunge
  • Type: Strength
  • Experience Level: Beginner
  • Equipment: None
  • Muscles Targeted: Quads, glutes
  • Mechanics: Compound
  • Average Number of Sets: 2-3 with 10-12 reps each
  • Variations: Side to side static lunges
  • Alternative: None

The static lunge, as the name suggests, is performed by holding your lunging position with one foot forward and the other back. It is a simple variation that can be done anywhere for gaining a tall spine, improved balance, and toned legs.

Static Lunge Exercise Information

  • Alternative Names: Stationary Lunge
  • Type: Strength
  • Experience Level: Beginner
  • Equipment: None
  • Muscles Targeted: Quads, glutes
  • Mechanics: Compound
  • Average Number of Sets: 2-3 with 10-12 reps each
  • Variations: Side to side static lunges
  • Alternative: None

How to do Static Lunge

Static Lunge

Start the exercise by standing with your right leg forward while moving back with your left leg, keeping your abs contracted and torso aligned. Keeping your body and feet stationary, lower your back leg until the knee slightly touches the ground while your front knee is bent at 90 degrees.


  • Make the exercise more challenging by holding a pair of dumbbells to our sides.
  • You can lessen the intensity of the exercise by holding onto a chair for support.

Variation with your Feet Positioned Sideways

It is performed by taking a big stride sideways and then laterally lowering your torso until it is slightly parallel to the ground.

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